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Description: Black Lives Matter statement posted to the Hillel website, with a link to resources for members of the Jewish community.
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Subject: Black Lives Matter, BLM, Black Lives Matter response, Racism, Anti-racist statements, Jewish students, Student organizations, Student clubs, Anti-racist resources
Creator: Middlebury College Hillel, Noah Hochfelder
Date: June 5, 2020
Description: Black Lives Matter statement posted on the Middlebury Women's Rugby Club website on June 3, 2020. The post was made by Betsy Romans, Class of 2023.
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Subject: Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Middlebury College Women's Rugby Club, MCWRC, Racism, Anti-racist statements, Social media, Athletics
Description: Black Lives Matter statement posted on the Biology department website on June 10, 2020. The statement is signed David Allen, Vickie Backus, Kirsten K. Coe, Catherine Combelles, Carolyn Dash, Susan DeSimone, Erin Eggleston, Glen Ernstrom, Eric Moody, Alexis M. Mychajilw, Alison Nurok, Greg Pask, Joanna Shipley, Grace Spatafora, Mark Spritzer, and Jeremy Ward.
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Subject: Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Racism, Anti-racist statements, Biology, Academics, Academic departments
Creator: Biology department
Description: Black Lives Matter statement made by the Middlebury College Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, posted to the department website on June 29, 2020. The statement is signed by Rick Bunt, Jeff Byers, Bob Cluss, Molly Costanza-Robinson, Cole M. Dovey, Michele K. Dube, Michael French, Robert Izsak, Jim Larrabee, Judy Mayer, Lindsay Repka, Mary Jane Simpson, and AnGayle (AJ) Vasiliou.
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Subject: Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Racism, Anti-racist statements, Chemistry department, Biochemistry department, Academics, Academic departments
Description: Black Lives Matter Statement made by the Middlebury Computer Science Department, posted on the department's news feed.
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Subject: Computer Science, Computer Science department, Racism, Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter
Creator: Computer Science Department
Description: Film and Media Culture Department Black Lives Matter statement, posted to the department website in June, 2020
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Subject: Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter, Racism, Film, Film and Media Culture
Creator: Film and Media Culture Department
Description: International and Global Studies Department Black Lives Matter statement, posted to the department website in June, 2020
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Subject: Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Racism, Anti-racist statements, International and Global Studies, IGS, Academics, Academic departments
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Subject: Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Racism, Anti-racist statements, Religion department, Academics, Academic departments, Anti-racist statement posted on the Religion department website in June, 2020.
Creator: Religion department
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Subject: Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Racism, Anti-racist statements, Luso-Hispanic Studies, Academics, Academic departments, Black Lives Matter statement posted to the Luso-Hispanic Studies department website in June, 2020. The letter is signed by faculty members Raquel Albarran, Brandon Baird, Luis Castaneda, Irina Alexandra Feldman, Miguel Fernandez, Enrique Garcia, Gloria Estela Gonzalez Zentano, Laura Lesta Garcia, Marta Manrique-Gomez, Mario Higa, Jennifer Nuceder, Nicolas Poppe, Fernando Rocha, Marcos Rohena-Madrazo, Patricia Saldarriaga, and Daniel Silva.
Creator: Luso-Hispanic Studies Department
Description: Black Lives Matter statement posted to the Theatre department website on June 22, 2020. The letter is signed by faculty members Michole Biancosino, Mirjam Brett, Jim Dougherty, Alex Draper, Mark Evancho, Cheryl Faraone, Robin Foster Cole, Claudio Medeiros, Allison Rimmer, Olga Sanchez Saltveit, Courtney Smith, Mira Veikley, Carol Wood, and Dana Yeaton.
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Subject: Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Theatre, Theatre department, Racism, Academics, Academic departments, Anti-racist statements
Creator: Theatre department
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Subject: Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Racism, Anti-racist statements, Health and wellness, BIPOC students, Anti-racism commitment published on the Office of Health, Wellness Education, and Safety website.
Description: Environmental Studies and Environmental Affairs Black Lives Matter statement posted to the Franklin Environmental Center website. The statement was updated on July 1, 2020 with next steps.
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Subject: Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Racism, Anti-racist statements, Franklin Environmental Center, Environmental Studies, Environmental Affairs, Faculty, Professors, Academics, Academic departments
Creator: Environmental Studies and Environmental Affairs
Date: July 1, 2020
Description: June 19, 2020 letter from Psychology Department faculty addressed to Psychology students expressing support for the Black Lives movement. The letter is signed by Psychology Department faculty members Jason Arndt, Marcia Collaer, Kim Cronise, Mike Dash, Suzanne Gurland, Matthew Kimble, Michelle McCauley, Robert Moeller, Clarissa Parker, Martin Seehuus, Jen Sellers, Virginia Thomas, Carlos Velez, and Zhai Zu.
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Subject: Psychology department, Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, Racism, BLM, Academics, Faculty, Professors, Academic departments
Creator: Psychology
Description: Black Lives Matter statement written by the Environmental Studies department and Environmental affairs, dated June 15, 2020. The letter is signed by Mez Baker-Medard, Nadine Canter Barnicle, Megan O. Brakeley, Dan Brayton, Minna Brown, Jack Byrne, Molly S. Constanza-Robinson, Kathryn Crawford, Kathleen Doyle, Sophie Esser-Calvi, Eva Fillion, Carolyn Finney, Rebecca Kneale Gould, Lily Hunt, Jon Isham, Chris Klyza, Marc Lapin, Michelle McCauley, Bill McKibben, Kathryn Morse, Diane Munroe, Peter Crowley Ryan, Daniel Chiu Suarez, Bill Vitek, and Janet Wiseman.
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Subject: Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Environmental Studies, Environmental Affairs, Racism, Academics, Academic departments, Anti-racist statements
Description: Black Lives Matter statement written by the Environmental Studies department and Environmental affairs, dated June 15, 2020. The letter is signed by Mez Baker-Medard, Nadine Canter Barnicle, Megan O. Brakeley, Dan Brayton, Minna Brown, Jack Byrne, Molly S. Constanza-Robinson, Kathryn Crawford, Kathleen Doyle, Sophie Esser-Calvi, Eva Fillion, Carolyn Finney, Rebecca Kneale Gould, Lily Hunt, Jon Isham, Chris Klyza, Marc Lapin, Michelle McCauley, Bill McKibben, Kathryn Morse, Diane Munroe, Peter Crowley Ryan, Daniel Chiu Suarez, Bill Vitek, and Janet Wiseman.
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Subject: Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Environmental Studies, Environmental Affairs, Racism, Academics, Academic departments, Anti-racist statements
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Subject: Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Racism, Anti-racist statements, Philosophy, Academics, Academic departments, Black Lives Matter Statement posted on the Philosophy department website in June, 2020. The letter is signed by Lorraine L. Besser, Heidi Grasswick, Kareem Khalifa, John Spackman, Steve Viner, and Martha K. Woodruff.
Creator: Philosophy department
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Subject: Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Racism, Anti-racism, Racial discrimination, Campus politics, From website: "Our mission is to generate awareness for and create a safe space to discuss racism and promote anti-racism on Middlebury’s campus. We aim to encourage constructive conversation on identity and share tactics on how to combat both active and passive racism."
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Subject: Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Racism, Anti-racist resources, Anti-racism, College emails, Linked in email from Miguel Fernandez, Diversity Officer, to all faculty, staff, students on 6/8/2020. Part of institutional response to an email from black and allied student groups, who were in turn responding to an email by President Laurie Patton on the subject of COVID-19 and mass protests against police brutality, sent during the week of June 1, 2020. This document was created by Renee Wells on June 8, 2020.
Creator: Renee Wells
Description: Black Lives Matter statement by the Middlebury Pranksters ultimate frisbee team. The statement was created on June 3, 2020.
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Subject: Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Middlebury Pranksters, Ultimate frisbee, Athletics, Racism, Anti-racist statements, Student athletes
Creator: Middlebury Pranksters
Description: List of Black Lives Matter resources compiled by Underrepresented in STEM at Middlebury. This document was created on June 4, 2020.
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Subject: Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Racism, Anti-racist resources, Underrepresented in STEM, Student clubs, Student organizations, STEM
Creator: Underrepresented in STEM
Description: Resources for Antiracist Activists and Allies created by student organization Midd Volunteers. The document was created by Maddie Joinnides, Class of 2021, on June 4, 2020.
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Subject: Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Racism, Anti-racist resources, Anti-racist statements, Midd Volunteers, Student clubs, Student organizations
Creator: Midd Volunteers
Description: List of Black Lives Matter resources compiled by the International Students' Organization. The document was created by Tenzin Gyalmo on June 7, 2020.
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Subject: Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Racism, Anti-racist resources, ISO, International Students' Organization, Student organizations, Student clubs
Creator: International Students' Organization
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Subject: Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Athletics, Racism, Anti-racist resources, Student athletes, College sports, List of anti-racist resources compiled by Middlebury Athletics. This document was created on June 5, 2020 by Ali Paquette, Assistant Director of Athletic Communications.
Creator: Middlebury Athletics
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Subject: Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Racism, The Middlebury Campus, George Floyd, Newspapers, Anti-racist statements, Statement from the executive team at the Middlebury Campus newspaper in support of Black Lives Matter and reflecting upon the role of journalists in the movement. This statement was released on June 3, 2020.
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Subject: Committee on Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion, Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, Diversity, Racism, BLM, Faculty, Professors, Opinion editorial article in the Middlebury Campus Newspaper by the Committee for Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion, expressing support for the Black Lives Matter movement following the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and Tony McDade. The Committee included faculty members Tara L. Affolter, Education Studies Program; Erin Eggleston, Biology; Kemi Fuentes-George, Political Science; Laurel Jenkins, Dance; David Miranda Hardy, Film and Media Culture; William Nash, American Studies; and Shawna Shapiro, Writing and Rhetoric, and Linguistics. The article is dated June 15, 2020.
Description: Statement from Middlebury Athletics in support of Black Lives Matter
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Subject: Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter, Athletics, Black student athletes, Racism, Black Lives Matter response
Creator: Middlebury Athletics
Description: Scott Center for Spiritual and Religious Life statement in support of Black lives
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Subject: Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter, Scott Center for Spiritual and Religious Life, Religion, Spirituality, Racism, BLM response
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Description: Statement in support of Black Lives Matter posted on Facebook by Laurie Essig on behalf of the Chellis House Feminist Resource Center and the Program for Gender, Sexuality, & Feminist Studies. The post was made on June 17, 2020.
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Subject: Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Chellis House, Program for Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist studies, Racism, Feminism, Anti-racist statements, Social media
Creator: Laurie Essig
Description: Middlebury Anderson Freeman Resource Center Black Lives Matter statement
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Subject: Anderson Freeman Resource Center, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter, Racism, Black Lives Matter response
Description: Statement of support by the Middlebury Alumni Association Board in support of Black Lives Matter.
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Subject: Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter, Middlebury alumni, Middlebury College alumni, Middlebury Alumni Association, Racism, Black Lives Matter response
Creator: Middlebury Alumni Association
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Description: Instagram post made by the Middlebury College Women's Rugby Club (MCWRC) containing the team's Black Lives Matter statement following killing of George Floyd by police in May, 2020. This post was made on June 3, 2020.
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Subject: Athletics, Social media, Anti-racist statements, Racism, MCWRC, Middlebury College Women's Rugby Club, BLM, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter response
Description: Instagram post made by the Middlebury College Women's Rugby Club (MCWRC) containing the team's Black Lives Matter statement following killing of George Floyd by police in May, 2020. This post was made on June 3, 2020.
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Subject: Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Middlebury College Women's Rugby Club, MCWRC, Racism, Anti-racist statements, Social media, Athletics
Description: Black Lives Matter statement from Middlebury Community Friends following the killing of George Floyd by police in May 2020.
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Subject: Social media, Student organizations, Community Friends, Racism, Anti-racist teaching, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter response
Creator: Middlebury Community Friends
Description: Black Lives Matter statement made by Middlebury Quidditch on Instagram following the killing of George Floyd by police in May 2020.
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Subject: Student athletes, Student organizations, Quidditch, Racism, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter response
Creator: Middlebury Quidditch
Description: Black Lives Matter statement posted by Midd Masti, Middlebury's South Asian dance group, on Instagram following the killing of George Floyd by police in May, 2020.
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Subject: Social media, Racism, Student clubs, Student organizations, Dance, Midd Masti, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter response
Creator: Midd Masti
Description: Black Lives Matter statement by WRMC 91.1 radio station posted to their Instagram after the killing of George Floyd by police in May, 2020.
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Subject: Racism, Social media, Student organizations, College radio, WRMC, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter response
Creator: WRMC 91.1
Description: Black Lives Matter statement released by the Middlebury Crew Team.
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Subject: Student athletes, Athletics, Crew, Racism, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter response
Creator: Middlebury Crew
Description: Black Lives Matter statement posted to the Middlebury Mischords Instagram page following the killing of George Floyd by police in May, 2020.
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Subject: Student clubs, Student organizations, Middlebury Mischords, A-capella, Social media, Racism, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter response
Creator: Middlebury Mischords
Description: Black Lives Matter statement posted to the Middlebury Equestrian Instagram page after the killing of George Floyd by police in May, 2020. This post was made on June 11, 2020.
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Subject: College sports, Athletics, Student athletes, Equestrian, Anti-racist statements, Racism, BLM, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter response
Creator: Middlebury Equestrian
Description: Black Lives Matter statement posted to the Middlebury Equestrian Instagram page after the killing of George Floyd by police in May, 2020. This post was made on June 11, 2020.
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Subject: Black Lives Matter response, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Racism, Anti-racist statements, Equestrian, Student athletes, Athletics, College sports
Creator: Middlebury Equestrian
Description: Anti-racist statement posted to Instagram by Middlebury SIM following the killing of George Floyd by police in May, 2020.
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Subject: Student organizations, Student clubs, Social media, Racism, A-capella, SIM, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter response
Creator: Middlebury SIM
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Subject: Social media, Student clubs, Fitness, Racism, Youpower
Creator: Youpower Middlebury College
Description: Black Lives Matter statement posted to the MiddSafe Instagram page after the killing of George Floyd by police in May, 2020.
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Subject: Social media, Student organizations, Middlebury College, Racism, Sexual violence, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter response, Dating violence
Creator: MiddSafe
Description: Black Lives Matter statement made by the Middlebury Paradiddles after the killing of George Floyd by police.
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Subject: Social media, Racism, Student clubs, Student organizations, A-capella, Middlebury Paradiddles, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter response
Creator: Middlebury Paradiddles
Description: Middlebury Squash announcement of fundraising for the American Civil Liberties Union of Vermont's Smart Justice Campaign, which seeks to remedy inequalities in the state's criminal justice system. This announcement, posted to the team's Instagram account, comes after the killing of George Floyd by police in May, 2020. The announcement was posted on June 19, 2020.
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Subject: Athletics, Student athletes, Squash, American Civil Liberties Union, Racial justice, Racism, BLM, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter response
Creator: Middlebury Squash
Description: Instagram post by the Middlebury Swim and Dive Team announcing their "Sweat-A-Thon" fundraiser for the Rutland Area NAACP.
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Subject: Social media, Athletics, Student athletes, Fundraising, Swim and Dive, Swimming and Diving, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter response
Creator: Middlebury Swim and Dive
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Subject: Anti-racist statements, Black Lives Matter response, Racism, Academics, Libraries, Library staff, Anti-racist statement posted on the Middlebury College libraries' website on July 1, 2020
Description: Announcements made by Middlebury College's offices and services, emailed to the Middlebury College community.
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Subject: Announcements, College emails, Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter response, BLM, Racism, Anti-racist statements, Anti-racist resources, COVID-19
Creator: Offices and services of Middlebury College
Date: Spring, 2020 -
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