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Description: This page includes information on the Division of Environmental Health, its employees and activities.
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Subject: Natural resources and environment
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: The abcpublicschools.org site is the web interface that contains information regarding North Carolina public schools, the Federal "No Child Left Behind Act" passed in 2002. It also details how often and in what grade children are tested on subject and include a link to the Proctor's guide. This site specifically addresses the accountablity in public schools. In addition, there are links to reports that document what schools in each county have been designated a school of excellence and therefore qualifies for more federal funding.
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Subject: Education, Education policies, Public Schools
Group: Website
Creator: NC State Board of Education, NC Department of Public Instruction
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: North Carolina Department of Agriculture Agronomic Division site providing users with information on soil testing, heavy metals, pH, soluble salts, soil acidity, soil fertility, plant nutrients, water quality, environmental protection, soil sampling, soil test reports, agronomic practices, stewardship, and online reports.
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Subject: Agriculture and food production
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
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Group: Social Media
Creator: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: This is the Public Information Office's news release web page. This page has excerpts and links to current news related to the Department of Transportation.
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Subject: Information resources, Transportation
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Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Cultural Resources, NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Relation: http://artnc.org/ is captured by https://ncartmuseum.org
Replaced By: https://learn.ncartmuseum.org/
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Group: Website
Creator: NC Community College System
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Relation: http://atlas.nccommunitycolleges.edu/ is captured by https://nccommunitycolleges.edu
Description: This page contains links to the annual AYP reports, school improvement reports, and performance composite information.
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Subject: Education
Group: Website
Creator: NC State Board of Education, NC Department of Public Instruction
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
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Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Commerce
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Relation: http://blnc.gov/ is captured by https://edpnc.com
Replaced By: https://edpnc.com/start-or-grow-a-business/start-a-business/
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Group: Social Media
Creator: NC Department of Cultural Resources, NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Relation: https://ncartmuseum.org/ captures http://blog.ncartmuseum.org/untitled/
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Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
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Group: Website
Creator: NC Community College System
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Relation: http://cclinc.nccommunitycolleges.edu/ is captured by https://nccommunitycolleges.edu
Description: In 1979 the State Data Center was transferred to the Office of the Governor where it was placed under the Office of State Budget and Management. The State Data Center program had been founded during the previous year as the result of a pilot study by the U.S. Bureau of the Census to examine ways the use of data and technical assistance could benefit state governments. North Carolina was among the first states to join this cooperative endeavor. The General Assembly then expanded the duties of the Office of State Budget and Management to include preparing and/or releasing the official demographic and economic projections for the state; coordinating the efforts of federal, state, and local governmental agencies in the collection of data and the development and analysis of statistics pertinent to state budgeting; and developing cooperative arrangements with federal, state, and local agencies to facilitate the exchange of data to support state budgeting. They were also charged with encouraging the use of this information by the general public.In subsequent years the Office of State Budget and Management continued as the lead agency for data projects, working in cooperation primarily with the U.S. Bureau of the Census; the Institute for Research in Social Science (IRSS), located at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; and the State Library. The IRSS was to address the specialized requirements of the academic community; the Office of State Budget and Management to serve the needs of governments and the private sector; and the State Library to provide support to both of the latter groups.The North Carolina State Data Center (SDC) specializes in disseminating and assisting with interpretation of decennial census data. It adds value to census data products by displaying tables, graphics, and reports specific to North Carolina.
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Subject: Information management and resouces, Census, Government finance and taxes
Group: Website
Creator: NC Office of State Budget and Management
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
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Group: Social Media
Creator: NC Department of Environmental Quality
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: This is the website of the Center for Geographic Information and Analysis. The mission of the Center for Geographic Information and Analysis is to enhance, facilitate, and promote the efficient, cost-effective development and use of geographic information in North Carolina. This is achieved through the creation, maintenance, and distribution of a statewide database of geographic information; the provision of geographic information systems services to organizations and individuals with interests in the state; and the coordination of activities related to geographic information and technology.
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Subject: Earth sciences, Natural resources and environment
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Relation: http://cgia.cgia.state.nc.us/ is captured by https://it.nc.gov/
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Description: CINCH is a web-based, open source, lightweight tool that was designed to help libraries, archives, and agencies with similar mandates to collect and authenticate digital content that is freely available on the web.
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Subject: Digital Preservation
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Cultural Resources, NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
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Description: Statistical information used by the Department of Commerce to attract to new industries and encourage the expansion of existing industries. The statisics concern: employment, population, education, industrial profiles, intra-state comparisons, maps, and other related information.
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Subject: Information resources, Business and industry
Description: Home Page for NC Division of Criminal Information. In 1968, the growing need for a central computerized network for criminal justice information in North Carolina prompted an extensive survey by the Governor's Law and Order Committee. Their report led to the creation of the Police Information Network (PIN), under the North Carolina Department of Justice, in 1969 by the North Carolina General Assembly. PIN was given authority under North Carolina General Statute (NCGS) 114 - 10 to accomplish the following: to maintain and control the access to information required for the performance of criminal justice duties to collect and correlate information regarding the administration of criminal laws to make analysis and comparisons of the data in cooperation with local, state and national criminal justice agencies In 1985, the Attorney General of North Carolina, head of the state's Department of Justice (DOJ), made PIN part of the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI). The SBI is the law enforcement branch of DOJ. PIN was merged with the SBI's Identification Section and the Division of Criminal Information (DCI) was created. Further reorganization occurred in 2000 creating the Information Technology Division within the Department of Justice. In 2004, several units of DCI were consolidated into the newly formed SBI's Criminal Information and Identification Section. The actual central computer network is now maintained by the Information Technology Division. The SBI Criminal Information and Identification Section units include: AFIS and Technical Search Applicant/Concealed Handgun Permits Auditing CCH/Triple I Processing Data Processing Expungement Sex Offender and Public Protection Registry Training The primary purpose of this section is to serve as a central repository for criminal history record information. This information is reported to the section by all State law enforcement agencies when any subject is charged with a crime. All criminal, court and custody information is then combined into one criminal record and forwarded to the FBI. The section also processes concealed handgun permits, expungement orders for criminal records and non-criminal justice background checks. The section also serves as the central telecommunications center for the State - linking local, State and national criminal justice/law enforcement agencies for the purpose of collecting, storing and disseminating information to assist these agencies. This is accomplished through training and through auditing an agency's record keeping system. Areas evaluated include fingerprint reporting systems along with records entered, modified, cleared and cancelled in the Division of Criminal Information (DCI) network.
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Subject: Law Enforcement and Courts, Crime
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Justice
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Relation: http://crimereporting.ncsbi.gov/ captured by https://ncsbi.gov
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Description: This page explains when a Capacity Use Permit is required and why.
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Subject: Groundwater, Water resouces
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: This is the website for the DENR Division of Air Quality (DAQ). The DAQ works with the state's citizens to protect and improve outdoor, or ambient, air quality in North Carolina for the health and benefit of all. DAQ has programs for monitoring air quality, permitting and inspecting air emissions sources, developing plans for improving air quality, and educating and informing the public about air quality issues.
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Subject: Natural resources and environment, Air quality
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Relation: http://daq.state.nc.us/ is captured by https://deq.nc.gov/
Description: Home page of the Data Services Unit in the Office of State Budget and Management. The Data Services Unit collects, produces, analyzes, organizes, disseminates, and explains strategically important statistical and other types of data produced by many North Carolina and U.S. government agencies. Data Services provides one-stop Web access to a large number of data items, extensive metadata, training, and data management tools. Many Data Services programs are either specifically mandated by state statute or established by federal-state cooperative agreements.
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Subject: Demographic statistics
Group: Website
Creator: NC Office of State Budget and Management
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: This is the website of DENR's Division of Coastal Management (DCM). DCM works to protect, conserve and manage North Carolina's coastal resources through an integrated program of planning, permitting, education and research. DCM carries out the state's Coastal Area Management Act, the Dredge and Fill Law and the federal Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 in the 20 coastal counties, using rules and policies of the N.C. Coastal Resources Commission.
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Subject: Coastal lands, Natural resources and environment
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: This is the home page of the Disability Determination Service. It has links to explain the determination process, who is involved, and to help with career planning.
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Subject: Health insurance and health care coverage
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Health and Human Services
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Relation: http://dds.its.state.nc.us/ is captured by https://ncdhhs.gov
Description: The State Demographics unit, of the State Data Center under the office of the Governor, is primarily responsible for producing population estimates and projections. The annual estimates of the population of North Carolina counties and municipalities are used in the distribution of state shared revenues to local governments.
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Subject: Government statistics
Group: Website
Creator: NC Office of State Budget and Management, NC Office of the Governor
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
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Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Environmental Quality
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Relation: http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ is captured by https://deq.nc.gov/
Description: Web site for Open Window, which captures important information on all DHHS services, programs and the contracts that support those services. Open Window also contains key planning and performance information for DHHS as well as for our divisions and offices.
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Subject: Open government, Health services
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Health and Human Services
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Relation: http://dhhsopenwindow.nc.gov/ is captured by https://ncdhhs.gov
Description: Web site for the Division of Information Resource Management, which provides the Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHS) leadership in the use of technology to meet business needs by planning, developing, and operating DHHS's automated systems.
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Subject: Public health, Information resources
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Health and Human Services
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
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Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: This is the ITS page dealing with DNS registration. ITS maintains the primary DNS server for state agencies and other organizations that get their Internet access from ITS. This page contains instructions for registration and modification.
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Subject: Internet
Description: Under the auspices of the Department of Health and Human Services the Division of Services for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing serves individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind, their families, and the communities in North Carolina by enabling them to achieve equal access, effective communication, and thereby a better quality of life.
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Subject: Public health, Occupational therapy
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Health and Human Services
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: Under the auspices of the Department of Health and Human Services, the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation assists citizens with disabilities in achieving independence and employment, through programs such as equipment loans, for assistive technologies and claims for disability benefit payments.
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Subject: Occupational therapy
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Health and Human Services
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: Office of Environmental Education's blog on being a green consumer.
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Subject: Natural Resources and Environment, Pollution
Group: Social Media
Creator: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: Blog published by DENR. "Find fun things to do outside - after school programs, camps, outdoor adventures, nature classes and lots more! Get interesting news stories and stay informed about how connections to the environment benefit our children."
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Group: Social Media
Creator: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: Don't Miss This! is your link to the latest environmental education news in North Carolina. It comes to you from the NC Office of Environmental Education.
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Subject: Education, Natural Resources and Environment
Group: Social Media
Creator: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: The environmental education newsletter of the North Carolina Office of Environmental Education and Public Affairs.
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Subject: Education, Natural Resources and Environment
Group: Social Media
Creator: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: The Official North Carolina State E-Procurement web site is a gateway to information and services for Citizens, Businesses and Employees of North Carolina. The NC @ Your Service E-Procurement portal categorizes government information and services of the state of North Carolina so that you are able to locate what you want to do without knowing which government agency or organization is involved.E-Procurement (electronic procurement) purchasing system combines the use of Internet technology with procurement best practices to streamline the purchasing process and reduce costs. The project to implement this system is being undertaken in a collaborative partnership among the Department of Administration, the Office of the State Controller, and the Office of Information Technology Services. The entire State will benefit from the use of this enterprise system, which is consistent with my commitment to one North Carolina. The e-procurement system is being implemented through an innovative self-funding model that will be available to state agencies, K-12 schools, universities, and community colleges.The E-Procurement solution is operated like a business by the State with a collaborative inter-agency Management Committee responsible for governing it.
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Subject: Government Purchasing
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Administration
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Replaced by: https://eprocurement.nc.gov/
Description: This is the home page for the NC Education Research Council. The North Carolina Education Research Council provides sound, unbiased, accessible, and timely research to support decision making on major policy issues by state and local education policy makers.
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Subject: Education
Description: The "Wildcats Never Quit" website was the result of a 2004 Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant awarded to the State Archives of North Carolina, the State Library of North Carolina, and the North Carolina Museum of History through the NC ECHO project. The purpose of this grant was to create a virtual collection using selected World War I materials from all three institutions, including printed books and documents, letters, diaries, photographs, and artifacts. The goal was to make it easier for the K-12 community to bring original resource materials into the classroom and to assist scholars of the World War I time period. Many of the items available through this website are now available through the North Carolina Digital Collections.
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Subject: World War I, History and culture, History of North Carolina, Military, Archives, Libraries and archives, Museums and historical societies, North Carolina--History, WWI, WW1
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Cultural Resources, NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: This online exhibit was an introduction to the role North Carolinians played in "The Great War." The materials included were a small sample of the materials available in the World War I collection of the Military Collection of the State Archives of North Carolina. Subjects covered include: an overview of the war; the Thirtieth Division (“Old Hickory”); the Eighty-first Division (“Wildcats”); trench warfare; the home front in North Carolina; and soldier stories, including soldiers’ letters. The exhibit was created by Neil Cottrell, an intern in the Youth Advocacy and Involvement Office's 2005 North Carolina State Internship Program. While this exhibit is no longer online, it is available through the State Archives of North Carolina/State Library of North Carolina web archiving project.
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Subject: World War I, WWI, WW1, History and culture, History of North Carolina, Military, Archives, North Carolina--History
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Cultural Resources, NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
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Group: Social Media
Creator: NC Department of Public Safety
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Replaced By: https://www.facebook.com/NCEmergency/
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Group: Social Media
Creator: NC Department of Transportation
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Replaced By: https://www.facebook.com/NCDOT/
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Group: Social Media
Creator: NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Replaced By: https://www.facebook.com/ncstatefair/
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Group: Social Media
Creator: NC Department of Transportation
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Replaced By: https://www.facebook.com/NCDOTcareers/
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Description: Web site for the Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Facility Services (DFS), which regulates medical, mental health and group care facilities, emergency medical services, and local jails. DFS also ensures that people are safe, and that the care in these facilities is adequate, as well as making certain that medical facilities are built only when there is a need for them.
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Subject: Hospitals and clinics
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Health and Human Services
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
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Group: Social Media
Creator: NC Department of Public Instruction
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: This is the website for DENR's GIS information. This site contains up-to-date statewide geographic information system (GIS) layers and integrated data as a strategic resource for the State's citizens, industry, federal, state, and local governments.
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Subject: Earth sciences, Natural Resources and Environment
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
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Group: Social Media
Creator: NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: Governor Hunt, 1993-2001, began publishing a web page in ?. According to his web site, Governor Hunt viewed the his web pages as an opporutnity to be able to bring to your fingertips the opportunity to explore our great state. He intended that the webpage would enhance communication, encourage interaction with state government and provide information about many of North Carolina's treasures. People could find out a great deal of information on his efforts to build a better North Carolina, including improving our schools and the lives of North Carolina's children, promote volunteerism, fight crime, strengthen our economy and protect the environment. He also saw the web as an opportunity to solicit feedback to hear what people think! This website gave people the pportunity to share your ideas and concerns with the governor and get involved in making North Carolina even better.
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Subject: State Government. Elected State Officials. North Carolina Governor, Governor, Office of Governor's
Description: This is the website of the Division of Water Quality. DWQ's mission is to preserve, protect and enhance North Carolina's water and groundwater resources through quality monitoring programs, efficient permitting, responsible management, fair and effective enforcement and excellence in public service.
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Subject: Water quality
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: This is the HIPAA home page. Its mission is to bring NC DHHS into HIPAA compliance with minimal material impact to operations and services while exceeding the standard of due care expected of health care agencies by the citizens of North Carolina.
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Subject: Health insurance and health care coverage
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Health and Human Services
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: This is the website of the North Carolina State Parks System (NCSPS). NCSPS exists for the enjoyment, education, health and inspiration of all our citizens and visitors. The mission of the state parks system is to conserve and protect representative examples of the natural beauty, ecological features and recreational resources of statewide significance; to provide outdoor recreational opportunities in a safe and healthy environment; and to provide environmental education opportunities that promote stewardship of the state's natural heritage.
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Subject: State Parks and Beaches
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: This is the website of the North Carolina State Parks System (NCSPS). NCSPS exists for the enjoyment, education, health and inspiration of all our citizens and visitors. The mission of the state parks system is to conserve and protect representative examples of the natural beauty, ecological features and recreational resources of statewide significance; to provide outdoor recreational opportunities in a safe and healthy environment; and to provide environmental education opportunities that promote stewardship of the state's natural heritage.
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Subject: State parks and beaches
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: This imagery covers portions of I-40 in Haywood County and portions of US 64 in Macoun County, North Carolina post Hurricane Ivan. NOAA imagery was acquired during a research effort for testing and developing standards for airborne digital imagery.
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Subject: Earth sciences
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: This Web site serves as a clearinghouse for publications produced by the Department of Health and Human Services and includes both forms and manuals.
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Subject: Government information, Public health, Health care
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Health and Human Services
Language: English
Crawl Status: Active
Replaced By : https://policies.ncdhhs.gov/
Description: Official blog of the North Carolina State Fair.
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Subject: State Fair
Group: Social Media
Creator: NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Replaced By: http://info.ncagr.gov/DeepFried/
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Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Language: English
Crawl Status: Active
Replaces: http://info.ncagr.com/DeepFried/
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Group: Social Media
Creator: NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Language: English
Crawl Status: Active
Description: The Enterprise Technology Strategies office (ETS) website has merged with the North Carolina Statewide Technical Architecture (NCSTA). You are now being redirected toward the http://wayback.archive-it.org/195/20050930063406/http://www.ncsta.gov/ website. In the 2004 Session of the General Assemby, the Legislature passed Senate Bill 991 which addressed many issues. One of the issues addressed was the abolishment of the independed Information Records Management Council, IRMC. As a result of the bill, the IRMC became part of Information Technology Services, Statewide Technology Architecture.
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Subject: Information Resources and Management
Description: The Web site for the North Carolina State IT Procurement Office, with information regarding e-procurement, bids, and state IT contracts.
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Subject: technology, procurement & purchasing
Group: Website
Creator: NC Office of Information Technology Services
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
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Group: Website
Creator: NC Office of Information Technology Services
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: The NC DPI Division of Instructional Technology Division supports the Mission and Goals of the State Board of Education by providing program planning, support and instructional resources to public schools of North Carolina. Instructional Technology is Division in the Academic Support and Instructional Services area.
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Subject: Educational Technology
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Public Instruction
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Replaced by: http://www.ncwiseowl.org/
Description: Kids page for the Department of Health and Human Services. Kids can learn about rabies and about ambulances at this fun web site. See a slide show, take a quiz, turn on the lights and buzzers in the ambulance.
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Subject: Health pages for kids, Public safety pages for kids
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Health and Human Services
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: The official site of the North Carolina Education Lottery.
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Description: This is the home page for the Board of Registration for Foresters. There is information about statutes, rules, code of ethics, continuing education, and more.
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Subject: Professional licenses, Forests
Group: Boards, Commissions, Councils, Foundations, and Trusts
Creator: NC State Board of Registration for Foresters
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: This is the home page for the Board of Registration for Foresters. There is information about statutes, rules, code of ethics, continuing education, and more.
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Subject: Professional licenses, Forests
Group: Boards, Commissions, Councils, Foundations, and Trusts
Creator: NC State Board of Registration for Foresters
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: The Office of Information Technology Services (ITS) is a partner for IT solutions for North Carolina. ITS is committed to working with our agency customers to develop an efficient, effective, customer-centric e-state. ITS can help business and government: promote the delivery of more effective and efficient services, provide increased accountability to citizens, offer easier access to useful information, enable enhanced participation in the democratic process, present new opportunities to encourage economic development improve society through telemedicine and distance learning.
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Subject: Information technology
Description: The Office of Information Technology Services (ITS) is a partner for IT solutions for North Carolina. ITS is committed to working with our agency customers to develop an efficient, effective, customer-centric e-state. ITS can help business and government: promote the delivery of more effective and efficient services, provide increased accountability to citizens, offer easier access to useful information, enable enhanced participation in the democratic process, present new opportunities to encourage economic development improve society through telemedicine and distance learning.
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Subject: Information technology
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Group: Website
Creator: NC Community College System
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Relation: http://moodle.nccommunitycolleges.edu/ is captured by https://nccommunitycolleges.edu
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Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
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Group: Website
Creator: NC Community College System
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Relation: http://nc-access.info/ is captured by https://nccommunitycolleges.edu
Description: In August 2005, the North Carolina State Lottery Act (H. 1023) and the 2005 Appropriations Act (§ 622) was signed into law, which established the North Carolina Education Lottery. The act created the 9-member North Carolina Lottery Commission to initiate, supervise, and administer the education lottery. This site contains info. about the various games, winning numbers, claiming your prize, and the administration of the lottery itself.
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Subject: Education, Lottery, Gambling
Group: Website
Creator: NC Lottery Commission
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Replaced By: https://www.nclottery.com/
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Description: The North Carolina Child Support Centralized Collections Payment Processing Center is dedicated to providing quality customer service to non-custodial parents and employers who need assistance with the child support payment process.
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Subject: Child support
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Health and Human Services
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: The North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources has established a team of staff and citizen members to plan for the commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812. The team’s mission is to develop events, activities, and materials to educate the public about “America’s Second War for Independence” and the role of North Carolina and North Carolinians in that war.
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Subject: History of North Carolina, Education, Military
Description: The blog created by the North Carolina Aquarium.
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Group: Social Media
Creator: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: Blog by the NC Museum of Art staff.
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Subject: Visual arts
Group: Social Media
Creator: NC Department of Cultural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: We plan to share the latest in performances, artist profiles and arts news from across the state.
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Subject: Visual arts, performing arts, ethnic and folk art
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Cultural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Replaced By: https://www.ncarts.org/
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Group: Website
Creator: NC Office of the Governor
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Replaces: http://www.ncbce.org/
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Group: Social Media
Creator: NC Department of Cultural Resources, NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Active
Replaces: http://www.nccultureevents.com/
Description: Get the latest daily news and headlines regarding North Carolina corrections
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Group: Social Media
Creator: NC Department of Correction, NC Department of Public Safety
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: The N.C. Department of Transportation is one of North Carolinas largest state government agencies, with more than 14,000 employees. NCDOT works hard to provide high-quality transportation for travelers throughout North Carolina, including highways, rail, aviation, ferries, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and public transit.
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Subject: Transportation
Description: Reports and photos of Earth Day and National Environmental Education Week events and activities from around North Carolina.
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Subject: Natural Resources and Environment
Group: Social Media
Creator: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: This site explains who is eligible for TRICARE coverage and what TRICARE actually covers.
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Subject: Health insurance and health care coverage
Group: Website
Creator: NC Teachers' and State Employees' Comprehensive Major Medical Plan, NC Department of Treasurer
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Description: Web site for the North Carolina Sex Offender and Public Protection Registry. The North Carolina General Assembly created the North Carolina Sex Offender and Public Protection Registry in January 1996. This law outlines registration requirements for persons living in North Carolina, non-resident students and non-resident workers.
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Subject: Sex offenders
Description: This site contains information about NC GILS and the guidelines established for NC.
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Subject: Information management and resources
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Description: The North Carolina Museum of History offers over 300 educational resources about North Carolina history. Many are free, and many can be easily integrated into the North Carolina public school curriculum. All resources are searchable by keywords, audience, school grade, and curriculum goal number.
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Subject: Education
Group: Website
Creator: NC Department of Cultural Resources, NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Relation: http://nchistoryresources.org/ is captured by https://www.ncmuseumofhistory.org/
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Group: Social Media
Creator: NC Department of Cultural Resources, NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
Language: English
Crawl Status: Inactive
Relation: http://nchistorytoday.wordpress.com/ is captured by https://www.ncdcr.gov/
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