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RIT B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing & Information Sciences

Collected by: Rochester Institute of Technology

Archived since: Feb, 2016


A collection of websites related to the RIT B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing & Information Sciences.

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Title: Center for Accessibility and Inclusion Research (CAIR)


Description: Website for the Center for Accessibility and Inclusion Research (CAIR). Includes Home, People, Research, Publications, Facilities, and Contact.

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Title: RIT Center for Accessibility and Inclusion Research


Description: Website for the RIT Center for Accessibility and Inclusion Research. Includes People, Research, Publications, Facilities, and Contact.

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Title: CodeRIT- RIT's premier hackathon club.


Description: Website for CodeRIT. CodeRIT is a community of students who like to make things. We empower all RIT students, especially newcomers, with the tools and knowledge necessary to become successful makers. Includes Education, Community, and Empowerment.

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Title: FETlab- Future Everyday Technology Research Lab


Description: Website for the Future Everyday Technology Research Lab (FETlab) at RIT. The focus of our research is on making the tools of digital fabrication- like 3D printing and laser cutting- accessible to non-experts, and on improving the usability of wearable and mobile computing devices. Includes Welcome, Research, Publications, People, Contact, and Facilities.

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Title: RIT Women in Computing


Description: Website for RIT Women in Computing. Women in Computing at the Rochester Institute of Technology (WiC at RIT) is an all inclusive organization that provides an interdisciplinary networking forum for students, faculty, staff and alumni involved in the field of computing at The Rochester Institute of Technology through professional, leadership, mentorship, and technical development opportunities. WiC at RIT will also encourage the advancement of women and all gender minorities in computing through community outreach.

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Title: HCI at RIT- Human-Computer Interaction Research at Rochester Institute of Technology


Description: Website for HCI at RIT- Human-Computer Interaction Research at Rochester Institute of Technology. Faculty and students at RIT are conducting research in several areas of human computer interaction, including accessibility and inclusion, eye-tracking and visual perception, human-aware artificial intelligence, wearable and mobile computing, educational technology, consumer behavior, and usable security. This website is a hub for information across RIT. Includes People, Research, Curriculum, University, Contacts, and PhD Program.

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Title: RIT Linguistic and Assistive Technologies Laboratory


Description: Website for the Linguistic and Assistive Technologies Laboratory at RIT. We conduct research in computational linguistics and human-computer interaction, with a primary focus on accessibility applications and assistive technology for people with disabilities. Includes Home, People, Research, News, Videos, and Contact.

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Title: Electronic Gaming Society


Description: Website for the Electronic Gaming Society at the Rochester Institute of Technology. The Electronic Gaming Society is a student-run club for gamers at Rochester Institute of Technology. Join us every Wednesday for our weekly game nights from 8pm to 11pm in the Student Alumni Union's Davis Room Cafeteria. Join our discord server and follow us on social media to stay up to date on our event announcements. Includes Home, About, Membership, Events, Communities, and Contact.

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Description: Website for the Security Practices and Research Student Association. Includes Meetings, ISTS, Research, Alumni, Links, About SPARSA, Video, and Archive.

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Title: RIT Computer Science Community at RIT


Description: Website for the Computer Science Community at RIT. Includes information about the community, Projects, Calendar, Resources, and Pictures.

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Title: RIT CS Computer Graphics and Applied Perception Lab


Description: Website for the CS Computer Graphics and Applied Perception Lab at RIT- Department of Computer Science, Rochester Institute of Technology. The CS Graphics and Applied Perception Lab is the cornerstone of graphics related research being undertaken in the CS department. Members of the lab perform funded research in the areas of computer graphics, eye tracking, and virtual reality. In addition, the lab provides a sandbox for interdisciplinary and cross-college collaboration with faculty and students from departments ranging from 3D Design and Photography, to Color Science and Imaging Science, to Computer Engineering (COE). Activities in the lab also are integrated with work from campus-wide labs/centers such as the Multidisciplinary Vision Research Lab. Includes Home, People, Projects, Facilities, and Contact Us.

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Title: Rochester Theory Seminar Series


Description: Website for the Theory Canal meeting- a joint project of the RIT and UR theory groups. Includes talk lists from current and past years.

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Title: B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing & Information Sciences


Description: Website for the RIT Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences. The B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences’ academic programs prepare future leaders, thinkers, and innovators in theoretical and applied aspects of computing and information sciences, providing a foundation for successful careers and life-long learning as technology and its role in a global society evolves. Experiential learning, including professional practice and engagement in research and scholarly activities, are central to and enhance our students’ education. Our faculty and students advance the fields of computing and information sciences through a robust scholarly agenda focusing on computing foundations, emerging technologies, interdisciplinary applications, and user-centered design of computing-based solutions to effectively address challenges faced by individuals, organizations, and a global society.

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Title: RIT Department of Software Engineering


Description: Website for the RIT Department of Software Engineering. The Department of Software Engineering’s mission is the development of professionals who can produce high-quality, cutting-edge, and cost-effective software systems. The department provides a forward-thinking approach in an inclusive environment that encourages students to become pioneers in the field by developing in-depth knowledge through hands-on design of innovative products. As real-world construction of complex software systems is done by engineering teams, our curriculum focuses on team-based activities with an emphasis on collaboration and the design process. Students receive mentorship to become world-class engineers and to conduct world-class research by closely collaborating with both faculty and industry.

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Description: Website for RITSEC. RITSEC is a student club dedicated to teaching "Security Through Community". RITSEC is dedicated to educating and preparing RIT students to compete in security-related competitions, as well as showcasing RIT student talent in the current world of security today. Whether you're new to computing security or a veteran, RITSEC has a place for you. All of the activities we host to promote this learning can be found on our 'Events' page.

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