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UCSF Industry Documents Library

Archive-It Partner Since: Jun, 2014

Organization Type: Colleges & Universities

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The Industry Documents Library at the University of California, San Francisco

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California Tobacco Control Web Archive

Archived since: Apr, 2015


The California Tobacco Control Web Archive is a selective collection of websites produced by government, advocacy groups, bloggers, news agencies, tobacco companies and tobacco-industry front groups related to contemporary California tobacco control public policy efforts such as tobacco tax measures, smoke-free ordinances and retailing limitations.

Subject:   Science & Health Politics & Elections Universities & Libraries California tobacco control public policy ballot initiatives smoke free laws cigarette butts

Covid-19 and Smoking Web Archive

Archived since: Mar, 2020


Web archive of sites related to tobacco industry messaging about smoking and vaping during the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak beginning December 2019

Subject:   Spontaneous Events Science & Health Society & Culture smoking novel coronavirus covid-19 coronavirus ecigarette tobacco vaping

Drug Industry Web Archive

Archived since: Dec, 2019

No description.

E-Cigarette & Nicotine Marketing Web Archive

Archived since: Jun, 2014


A web archive of resources related to the marketing of e-cigarettes and their equivalent.

Subject:   Science & Health Society & Culture Universities & Libraries e-cigarette marketing nicotine alternative harm reduction vaping

Food Industry Web Archive

Archived since: Jun, 2015


A collection of web resources related to the UCSF Food Industry Documents Archive which collects internal documents from companies, such as the U.S. sugar industry, that harm public health.

Subject:   Government Science & Health Society & Culture

Tobacco Industry Web Archive

Archived since: Apr, 2015


Contains archived websites of the major U.S. and international tobacco companies. The company websites are the public face of the tobacco industry and include press releases, market share reports and company opinions on health-related and corporate responsibility issues. This collection compliments the holdings of the Legacy Tobacco Documents Library, an archive of over 14 million internal tobacco industry documents:

Subject:   Science & Health Universities & Libraries tobacco industry public policy tobacco control

Page 1 of 1 (7 Total Results)