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Archived since: Jun, 2020
The murder of George Floyd on 5/25/2020 by Minneapolis police officers inspired mass uprisings in dozens of American cities against police brutality and the systemic oppression of Black people in the United States. This collection includes responses and reactions from individuals and organizations that make up the Middlebury community to George Floyd's murder, the ensuing protests, Black Lives Matter, and the broader struggle taking place throughout the country in support of civil rights and social justice for Black people in the US.
Subject: Society & Culture, Spontaneous Events, Blogs & Social Media, Campus culture, Student activities, Student life, College activities, Civil rights, Social justice, Student activism, Black Lives Matter, George Floyd, Police violence, Campus politics, Racism on campus, Racism
Creator: Middlebury College Special Collections
Date: 2020
Collector: Middlebury College Special Collections
Archived since: Dec, 2015
Representing a wide range of efforts by staff, students, and faculty to foster digital liberal arts scholarship and pedagogy. The DLA at Middlebury Web Archive has been established by Middlebury College Special Collections and Archives in order to preserve digital projects. The collection includes projects funded by grants from the DLA initiative of the Center for Teaching, Learning, & Research (CTLR) as well as artifacts from broader digital scholarship work within the Middlebury Community.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Arts & Humanities, Computers & Technology, Student research, Faculty research, Digital humanities, Digital liberal arts
Archived since: Dec, 2015
The Faculty Projects Web Archive aims to preserve and ensure future accessibility to a wide array of Web-based research and special projects created by our faculty members.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Middlebury College, Faculty research
Archived since: Dec, 2015
Blogs, social media presences, websites, and other Web media representing life and activity surrounding - but not necessarily hosted by - Middlebury College.
From the lighter side of student life to deep critical engagement with campus culture, this transinstitutional collection is intended to document life at Middlebury outside the official channels of communication, to archive diverse points of view and student activities, and to create a historical record of dynamic and engaging discussions that define our collective experience at Middlebury College.
Subject: Society & Culture, Blogs & Social Media, Spontaneous Events, Campus culture, Social justice, Student organizations, Student activism, Critical discourse, Humor, Campus politics, College activities, Student life
Coverage: Middlebury (Vt.), Middlebury College
Language: eng
Collector: Middlebury College Special Collections and Archives
Archived since: Dec, 2015
This collection explores the Web presence of Vermont Freedom to Marry (VFM), a non-profit volunteer organization that successfully led efforts to secure same-sex couples' the freedom to marry in Vermont. Founded in 1995 by Middlebury lawyers Susan Murray and Beth Robinson, the organization fostered grass roots support for legal equality of same-gender relationships through educational outreach. Vermont Freedom to Marry continued to promote marriage equality nationally and internationally until 2015 when the organization ceased operation and generously donated their records to Middlebury College Special Collections and Archives, including both print and Web-based resources spanning twenty years.
Subject: Blogs & Social Media, Politics & Elections, Society & Culture, LGBTQ advocacy, Marriage equality, Vermont politics
Creator: Vermont Freedom to Marry, Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force
Language: eng
Collector: Middlebury College Special Collections and Archives
Page 1 of 1 (5 Total Results)