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Archived since: Mar, 2017
5th Grade Students in Room 309 were the kings and queens of learning to code! Here are some of their suggestions to learn coding!
Subject: Computers & Technology
Creator: McClure Elementary School 5th Grade Class of 2017
Archive-It Program Year: 2016-2017 Student Collections
Archived since: Mar, 2017
Fun games that 5th Grade Room 302 love!
Subject: Computers & Technology
Creator: McClure Elementary School 5th Grade Class of 2017
Archive-It Program Year: 2016-2017 Student Collections
Archived since: Apr, 2017
The 5th Grade in Room 311 studied kindness and mindfulness during the year and taught everyone else about it in our school community. Here is a collection of websites they think are important on the topic.
Subject: Society & Culture
Creator: McClure Elementary 5th Grade Class of 2017
Archive-It Program Year: 2016-2017 Student Collections
Page 1 of 1 (3 Total Results)