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Archived since: Mar, 2009
Chester Carlson and Xerox Corp
Subject: Universities & Libraries
Archived since: Dec, 2008
Economic crisis reporting of 2008, reactions, popular views
Collector: University of Rochester
Archived since: Dec, 2008
Collection of Papers, Letters etc.
Creator: University of Rochester/Rare Books
Date: 2008-12-09 00:00:00
Collector: University of Rochester
Archived since: Mar, 2009
George Eastman House and related information.
Subject: Universities & Libraries
Archived since: Dec, 2008
Writings and Papers of President Lincoln
Subject: Government, Politics & Elections, Government - US States
Creator: University of Rochester/Rare Books
Date: 2008-12-09 00:00:00
Collector: University of Rochester
Archived since: Dec, 2008
unique collections both digital and hard copy that do not circulate
Subject: Rare Books
Collector: University of Rochester
Archived since: Dec, 2008
Information about Thomas E. Dewey and his papers
Subject: Thomas E. Dewey
Creator: University of Rochester/Rare Books
Collector: University of Rochester
Archived since: Dec, 2008
Projects that students are working on for internships for Rare Books dept.
Creator: University of Rochester/Rare Books
Collector: University of Rochester
Archived since: Apr, 2008
Web sites of local history sites related to abolitionism.
Subject: Arts & Humanities
Creator: Rick Silterra
Collector: University of Rochester
Archived since: Dec, 2008
University of Rochester Web Archive
Collector: University of Rochester
Archived since: Sep, 2008
University of Rochester General collection
Creator: University of Rochester
Collector: University of Rochester
Archived since: Apr, 2008
Official government statements, and blogs, about the 2008 Zimbabwean electoral crisis.
Subject: Spontaneous Events
Collector: University of Rochester
Page 1 of 1 (12 Total Results)