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Archived since: Sep, 2022
The Agricultural Health Study works to understand how agricultural, lifestyle, and genetic factors affect the health of farming populations.
Subject: Government - US Federal, Science & Health, Society & Culture
Archived since: Jul, 2024
No description.
Subject: Government - US Federal, Science & Health, The NIH Climate Change and Health Initiative (NIH CCHI) is an urgent, cross-cutting NIH effort to stimulate research to reduce health threats from climate change across the lifespan and build health resilience in individuals, communities, and nations around the world, especially among those at highest risk.
Creator: National Institutes of Health
Archived since: Sep, 2022
Environmental Health Perspectives is a peer-reviewed open access journal published monthly with support from the U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
Subject: Government - US Federal, Science & Health, Universities & Libraries
Archived since: Sep, 2022
Your participation in clinical studies at NIEHS helps researchers discover how your environment affects your health. Please help us find new ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat illness and disease.
Subject: Government - US Federal, Science & Health
Archived since: Sep, 2022
The Environmental Factor is produced monthly by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), Office of Communications and Public Liaison.
Subject: Government - US Federal, Science & Health, Blogs & Social Media
Archived since: Sep, 2022
A resource for kids, parents, and teachers to find fun and educational materials related to health, science, and the environment we live in today.
Subject: Government - US Federal, Science & Health, Arts & Humanities
Archived since: Sep, 2022
The mission of the NIEHS is to research how the environment affects biological systems across the lifespan and to translate this knowledge to reduce disease and promote human health.
Subject: Government - US Federal, Science & Health
Archived since: Sep, 2022
The National Toxicology Program provides the scientific basis for programs, activities, and policies that promote health or lead to the prevention of disease.
Subject: Government - US Federal, Science & Health, Computers & Technology
Archived since: Sep, 2022
Outage Notices from NIEHS or NTP
Subject: Government - US Federal
Archived since: Sep, 2022
Working together through the Task Force, the federal government can continue to protect current and future generations by understanding and preventing negative environmental health impacts and helping to ensure opportunities for the development of healthy, more resilient children.
Subject: Government - US Federal, Science & Health, Society & Culture
Archived since: Sep, 2022
This page provides a portal for NIEHS researchers and their outside research partners into shared datasets and applications.
Subject: Government - US Federal, Science & Health, Universities & Libraries
Archived since: Sep, 2022
The Sister Study is conducted by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, one of the National Institutes of Health, of the US Department of Health and Human Services. From 2003 to 2009, more than 50,000 women across the US and Puerto Rico, who were between ages 35–74 and whose sister had breast cancer, joined this landmark research effort to find causes of breast cancer.
Subject: Government - US Federal, Science & Health, Society & Culture
Archived since: Sep, 2022
The GuLFSTUDY (Gulf Long-term Follow-up Study) Program is designed to study the health of individuals who helped with the oil spill response and clean-up, took training, signed up to work, or were sent to the Gulf to help in some way after the Deepwater Horizon disaster.
Subject: Government - US Federal, Science & Health
Page 1 of 1 (13 Total Results)