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Archived since: Jan, 2023
The About section of Stony Brook University’s website includes information about: administration; facts and rankings; calendar of events; news; Twitter; The Statesman (student newspaper); the history of Stony Brook University; economic impact; maps and directions; mobility and parking; Stony Brook Southampton; undergraduate admissions; and institutional research, planning and effectiveness.
Archived since: Jan, 2023
The Academics section of Stony Brook University’s website includes information about: the libraries; centers and institutes; academic programs; academic colleges and schools; majors, minors, and programs; academic resources; academic calendars; undergraduate bulletins; graduate bulletins; and health sciences bulletin.
Archived since: Jan, 2023
The Admissions section of Stony Brook University’s website includes information about: admissions; high school programs; bursar; financial aid; tuition and costs; graduate admissions; online education; study abroad; summer session; undergraduate admissions; and winter session.
Archived since: Jan, 2023
The Athletics section of Stony Brook University’s website includes information about: athletic teams and athletic programs.
Archived since: Jan, 2023
The Campus Life section of Stony Brook University’s website includes information about: athletic bands; living on campus; eating on campus; commuting; student support; the arts at SBU; student wellness; student life; activities and clubs; beyond the campus; spirit and traditions; and student community and development.
Archived since: Jan, 2023
The Homepage of Stony Brook University is the landing page for the university website.
Archived since: Jan, 2023
The Medicine section of Stony Brook University’s website includes information about: health sciences schools; Health Sciences Library; health sciences student services; University Hospital; Children’s Hospital; Long Island State Veterans Home; Southampton Hospital; Eastern Long Island Hospital; find a doctor; patient portal; and visitor information.
Archived since: Jan, 2023
The Research section of Stony Brook University’s website includes information about: researcher resources; research leadership; volunteer opportunities; research news; economic development; Brookhaven National Laboratory affairs; technologies available for licensing; and academic research for high school students, undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdocs.
Page 1 of 1 (9 Total Results)